About the Bulletin
The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books is the only major reviewing periodical for children’s literature whose entire reviewing staff meets regularly to read and discuss reviews for each issue.
More than 3,500 subscribers nationwide rely on the Bulletin for answers to their many questions involving children’s literature. The Bulletin, founded in 1945, is devoted entirely to the review of current books for children. It provides concise summaries and critical evaluations to help you find the books you need. Each review gives you information on book’s content, reading level, strengths and weaknesses, and quality of format, as well as suggestions for curricular use. Most books are reviewed from publisher’s galley proofs. With this up-to-date coverage, you’ll know which books to buy the moment they’re available.
The 75th volume year of the Bulletin is being commemorated in a digital timeline exhibit at https://ccb.ischool.illinois.edu/ccb75/. As the Bulletin prepares to move into its future, take a look at its past, in glorious black and white and on bleed-through onionskin paper.